Press Releases

Van Hollen Thanks Spratt, Budget Committee Members for Their Support

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Washington, Nov 10, 2010 -

Today Maryland Congressman Chris Van Hollen issued the following statement expressing his gratitude to House Budget Committee Chairman John Spratt and the Democratic Members on the Committee for their support for his bid to be Ranking Member:

“Chairman Spratt has served our nation with great distinction, including his 14 years leading the Budget Committee, and I am honored to have his support.  His commitment to fiscal responsibility and his proven record of writing budgets that reflect America’s values has served our nation well.  I also want to thank Congresswoman Schwartz and other committee members for their support for my bid to be Ranking Member.  Our shared commitment to fiscally sustainable policies that support American families and small businesses will be critical as we continue to rebuild our economy and move America forward.”

Congressman Van Hollen has spent the last two days reaching out to members of the Budget Committee and the Democratic Caucus. He has the strong support of all 17 of the returning Democratic committee members that he has been able to reach.

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