Results tagged “youth athletics” from EdLabor Journal

Today, while members of the Healthy Families and Communities Subcommittee held a hearing on concussions among young athletes, the medical journal Pediatrics published a study that showed a steady increase in traumatic brain injuries among youth basketball players. The authors concluded that, “the large number of injuries in this popular sport is cause for concern.”

CNN Health summarized the report and its implications:

“More and more children and teenagers are suffering traumatic brain injuries while playing basketball, according to a study published Monday in the journal Pediatrics.

“Researchers examined emergency room visits of people under the age of 20 who were treated for basketball related injuries between 1997 and 2007 and found the number of traumatic brain injuries shot up  by 70%.

“Overall the proportion for traumatic brain injury doubled for boys and tripled for girls, said senior study author Dr. Laura B. McKenzie.

“Coaches, athletes and parents need to understand what can cause traumatic brain injuries and learn to recognize a possible concussion  according to McKenzie.”

Rep. Carolyn McCarthy of New York today chaired a field hearing in Long Island to explore the prevalence of concussions among youth athletes and examine the best prevention strategies. Witnesses included two former NFL players, a high school athletic trainer, and a former high school athlete who suffered numerous concussions. After hearing their testimony, committee members concluded “legislative action is needed to ensure safety in all high schools.”

Today’s hearing marks the second time the Education and Labor Committee has investigated the prevalence of concussions in youth sports and its impact on academic outcomes.

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