Cummings Welcomes Funding For Northeast Corridor Tunnel

Press Release

January 28, 2010

Paul Kincaid
202.225.4289 or 202.225.4025
Trudy Perkins
410.685.9199 or 202.225.4641

Study project spearheaded by Baltimore-area Congressman receives Federal stimulus funding.

(Washington, DC) – Congressman Elijah E. Cummings (MD-07) was pleased today with the President’s announcement of a commitment of $8 billion to high-speed rail investment throughout the nation. The announcement, in Tampa, FL, focused on that state’s SunRail system. However, included in the investment will be $60 million to complete preliminary engineering and environmental analysis activities necessary to prepare for the replacement of the Baltimore and Potomac (B&P) tunnel in Baltimore, MD.

The eventual replacement of the aging tunnel will improve reliability and reduce Amtrak trip times, including on the high-speed Acela.


“As a member of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and as someone who sees the importance of rail travel in my community, I know that replacement of the aging B&P tunnel is critical to enabling us to develop modern, high speed rail service on the Northeast Corridor.  Replacement of the tunnel is also essential to improving MARC service.”


Congressman Cummings secured Congressional authorization of the B&P rail tunnel project in Amtrak-related legislation enacted by Congress in 2008. In August of 2009, he sent a letter to the Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration supporting the application submitted by the State for Recovery Act funding of the tunnel.


“This Civil War-era tunnel… has essentially reached the end of its useful life,” Cummings said in the letter. “Its antiquated design forces trains to travel no more than 30 miles per hour through the structure and its height limitations do not allow the use of taller galley cars.  Replacement of this structure with a modern tunnel is essential to providing the safe accommodations necessary to improve Amtrak service on the Northeast Corridor, including reducing travel times between Washington, D.C., and points north.”



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