Cummings Joins Colleagues in Passing Economic Stimulus Bill

January 28, 2009

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Cummings Joins Colleagues in Passing Economic Stimulus Bill

Washington, DCToday, Congressman Elijah E. Cummings joined a majority of his colleagues in passing the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, H.R. 1, by a vote of 244-188.
“As our nation continues to struggle through the fallout from the past eight years of poor economic policy, it is more critical than ever for the Congress to step in and provide real relief to the millions of Americans who are suffering every single day,” Congressman Cummings said. “This comprehensive package is a giant step forward in moving our economy back on course.”
The bill, which strategically allocates funds toward spending, tax cuts, and investments, would create and save 4 million jobs while jumpstarting our economy with proven stimulus measures and transforming our nation for the 21st century. Additionally, it includes unprecedented accountability and transparency measures. The State of Maryland is slated to receive nearly $1.2 billion in funding and would see more than 99,000 jobs created or saved—reducing the unemployment rate by 2 percent. Other Maryland-specific highlights of the bill include:
·         More than $1.4 million to help maintain state Medicaid costs and allow the option for the state to offer coverage to unemployed workers through the Medicaid program.
·         Tax subsidies for more than 53,000 low-income families to help make college more affordable.
·         $219 million in increased food stamp benefits, assisting more than 400,000 Marylanders.
·         Increased unemployment benefits and an extension of the expiration date for unemployment benefits for more than 282,000 Marylanders.
·         More than $575 million to invest in construction and repair of Maryland schools with a high number of low-income students, as well as assisting students with disabilities—$250 million of which is allocated to schools in the 7th District.
·         Nearly $48 million in highway infrastructure funds for Baltimore and the surrounding area.
 “This stimulus package throws a long overdue lifeboat to the millions of families who have been drowning in the midst of our nation’s economic crisis,” Congressman Cummings said. “I urge my colleagues in the Senate to act quickly in passing this measure and sending it to President Obama to sign into law.”


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