Selected Allocations for School Districts under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill (Updated 2.13.09)

(NOTE: This information was updated on February 13, 2009.)

Below are documents prepared by the Congressional Research Service which estimate the amount of education funding that each state will receive from certain aspects of the final American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Specifically, these documents estimate what each state would receive under the bill’s following program allocations: State Stabilization Funds, Title I, Title I School Improvement, IDEA, McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance, Education Technology, and Child Care and Development Block Grant Discretionary Funding.

These are estimates only based on available and current data and may not reflect exact allocations that states or school districts receive when these funds are actually allocated.

Click here to download the state-level CRS data (State Stabilization Funds, Title I, Title I School Improvement, IDEA, McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance, and Education Technology) in a single spreadsheet, which was updated on February 13, 2009 »

Click here to download CRS state-level data on Child Care and Development Block Grant Discretionary Funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act »

Click here to download school district level allocations for Title I and IDEA, updated on February 13, 2009 » (state-by-state breakdowns below)

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