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GOP Majority Focused on Reform

The midterm elections sent a clear message that Congress must change, and House Republicans have already begun working to implement important reforms when the new Congress convenes in January. I was honored to be named a member of the House Majority Transition Team, which held a series of productive meetings last week to lay the groundwork for making the House of Representatives more transparent and accountable.

One of our top priorities is ending the practice of rushing through thousand-page bills without opportunity for real debate or amendment. The American people are clearly fed up with the arrogant, out-of-touch manner in which legislation was forced through in this session, typified by Speaker Pelosi's famous declaration that Congress would have to pass the health care bill in order for the public to know what was in it. House Republicans have proposed a requirement that all legislation be available online for at least three days before votes are held, so that the American people have the opportunity to examine and weigh in on the policies impacting their daily lives.

We have also moved to install cameras to broadcast meetings of the Rules Committee. This powerful committee determines which bills and amendments reach the floor for votes, and it should be subject to the same transparency as other committees. The current Congress is the first in history that has not allowed a single bill to be considered under an open amendment process. This unprecedented break from accepted procedures stifled bipartisan collaboration and prevented any chance to improve legislation through amendment and open debate. Obamacare, cap and tax, the bloated stimulus -- it's no wonder such a closed process produced bills so far removed from the priorities and ideals of mainstream Americans.

The transition team is also focused on enacting reforms that will save taxpayer money. Spending cuts are imperative to get our debt under control and get the economy moving. Congress itself should not be exempt from cost-cutting measures, and House Republicans have pledged to reduce operating costs in Congress and make the government run more efficiently.

Both Democratic and Republican majorities have made mistakes, and much work must be done to restore Americans' trust in their government. Starting with the Pledge to America and continuing with the House Majority Transition Team, House Republicans are demonstrating that we are listening to the American people and share the same priorities. I am confident that the reforms we enact in January will result in a Congress that is more accountable, more transparent, and more responsive to the will of the American people.
