Top 10 Health Reform Benefits Every American Should Know About

The top 10 benefits Americans would enjoy under health insurance reform legislation include:

  1. Protections Against Insurance Company Discrimination And Losing Coverage When You Get Sick.  People who have been denied coverage because of a pre‐existing condition will finally have access to affordable coverage. Insurers will no longer be able to drop your coverage when you get sick and are in the middle of treatment.

  2. Insurance Security If You Lose Your Job. Never again will you lose access to insurance if you get laid off or switch jobs.

  3. Relief For Small Businesses And Employers, Jobs For Americans. Small businesses and employers getting crushed by soaring health care costs will see lower costs, allowing them to create as many as 4 million more jobs over the next decade.

  4. No Annual Or Lifetime Limits On Coverage. Never again will you be subject to annual or lifetime limits on what insurance companies will pay, protecting millions of Americans from the threat of medical bankruptcy.

  5. Free Preventive Care. Insurers will be required to offer free preventive care, lowering your out‐of‐pocket expenses and helping ensure that diseases or conditions can be caught early on.

  6. Independent Consumer Advocates And Sunshine On Rate Increases. For the first time, consumers will have independent advocates dedicated to upholding consumer protections, answering their questions, and helping with any problems related to their plans. Insurance companies will be required to disclose their rates to consumers – discouraging them from runaway rate increases.

  7. Lower Drug Costs For Seniors, Lower Premiums For Early Retirees. Seniors who fall into the Medicare Part D donut hole will see lower prescription drug costs as immediate steps are taken to close the donut hole. Employers who cover their early retirees will receive temporary funds to help offset the cost of expensive claims for retirees’ health benefits – lowering premiums and protecting coverage for early retirees.

  8. Better Access And Stronger Protections For Women. Prohibits insurers from charging women more than men for health insurance or discriminating on the basis of domestic violence as a pre‐existing condition. Required maternity services as part of the essential benefits package in the exchange.

  9. Extended Coverage For Young Adults. Young adults will now be able to stay on their parents’ insurance much longer, through their 26th or 27th birthday.

  10. At Least 30 Million More Americans Will Finally Have Health Insurance. Health reform will finally guarantee access to quality, affordable health insurance for 30‐35 million Americans who don’t have coverage today, also eliminating the annual hidden tax of $1,100 that American families pay to cover the cost of the uninsured. While the official health insurance exchanges are being created, a temporary insurance pool will be available for individuals with pre‐existing conditions or chronic illnesses.

Source: Majority Leader


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