News of the Day: Misinformation, Mayhem Mar Debate on Health Care

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In this morning’s USA Today editorial, they take on myths that continue to surface about health care reform. On July 31, U.S. Reps. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and George Miller (D-CA) released a statement exposing the campaign of misinformation on health care.

USA Today says:

There's an old proverb that says a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still getting its boots on. That's surely true when the lie instills deep personal fears, and lies appear to be in full sprint as the nation's health care debate goes local.

Some August town hall meetings around the country have degenerated into furious shouting matches, driven by outrageous misinformation borne of many sources.

The Internet spreads anonymous chain e-mails to a public that is both vulnerable and gullible. Groups with a financial or ideological interest give the rumors a boost. Talk radio provides an echo chamber for the demonizers. Most outrageously, political leaders who know better and could oppose legislation in a more credible way, engage in their own hyperbole or simply remain silent. One Republican senator, South Carolina's Jim DeMint, simply bypassed the substance of the discussion, saying it was a chance to "break" a popular Democratic president. He has plenty of company that isn't quite as blunt.

We encourage you to continue reading the USA Today editorial and learn more about the America’s Health Choices Act.


you are in fact oblivious to the presidents past record on healthcare comments. His advisor rahm emanuel's brother a doctor ? who has decried the hippocratic oath and is more in favor of eugenics and euthanasia than extending life ! why is it that opposition to your platform is an angry mob and your opposition was freedom of speech - go ahead report this "fishy " email -A

Mr. Lehmann,

Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation flying around about health care reform these days. wrote an article about Ezekiel Emanuel and whether it was fair to say he was in favor of euthanasia. They said:

"Ezekiel Emanuel, who's currently advising the administration on healthcare reform through a post at the White House Office of Management and Budget, is actually one of the country's leading medical ethicists, a forceful defender of people approaching the end of their life. Indeed, he opposes even voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide."


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