HARMAN SUBMITS COMMENTS ON WHITE HOUSE DECLASSIFICATION REVIEW Lawmaker says a "cop on the beat" armed with timely information will prevent the next terrorist attack

Washington, D.C. -- Rep. Jane Harman (D-Venice), Chair of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence & Terrorism Risk Assessment, today submitted comments on the over-classification of intelligence to the White House’s Declassification Policy Forum.  Harman has long advocated for the greater declassification of intelligence products, both as subcommittee chair and previously as Ranking Member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence.

In her comments Harman suggested the current classification system puts Americans at risk by keeping vital threat information from the law enforcement officials who are best positioned to act upon it.

“The next terrorist attack in the United States will not be stopped by a bureaucrat in Washington, DC.  It will be the local cop on the beat who is familiar with the rhythms and nuances of his or her own neighborhood who will foil that attack,” Harman said. “Local law enforcement needs information in a timely manner that allows them to know what to look out for, how to prepare for it, and how to stop it.  This simply isn’t happening.”

Harman’s recommendations included requiring agencies to produce unclassified versions of all classified intelligence products; improving training for intelligence officers and penalizing officers who repeatedly fail to comply with classification policies; performing regular audits of how agencies classify information; and electronically tracking how and where classified information is disseminated at all levels of government.

The Declassification Policy Forum was established by the Obama Administration to collect public input as part of the White House’s ongoing review of how intelligence is classified.

Rep. Harman's Recommendations for the Declassification Policy Forum


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