Representative Henry A. Waxman 30th District of California

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  • Chairman Waxman and Energy and Commerce Democrats Introduce Drinking Water System Security Act
    Jul 20, 2009  - House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry A. Waxman, Energy and Environment Subcommittee Chairman Edward J. Markey, along with Reps. Frank Pallone, Jan Schakowsky, Lois Capps, and John Sarbanes, introduced the Drinking Water System Security Act of 2009 with the support of the largest drinking water utilities and environmental and labor groups in the nation. This bill would require EPA to establish risk-based performance standards for community water systems serving more than 3,300 people and certain other public water systems with security risks. More
  • Hearing Examines Exposure of Covert CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson's Identity
    Mar 16, 2007  - The Oversight Committee held a hearing on whether White House officials followed appropriate procedures for safeguarding the identity of CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson. At the hearing, the Committee received testimony from Ms. Wilson and other experts regarding the disclosure and internal White House security procedures for protecting her identity from disclosure and responding to the leak after it occurred. More
  • Senior Democrats Reject Superficial Bush Counterterrorism Plan Before Elections
    Oct 25, 2006  - Rep. Waxman joins senior Democratic members of Congress in rejecting President Bush's decision to roll out a superficial counterterrorism plan directly before midterm elections. More
  • Senior Democrats Urge Hastert to Hold Hearings on Increase in Global Terrorist Threat
    Sep 25, 2006  - House Democratic Leader Pelosi, Rep. Waxman, and other senior Democratic members today sent a letter to Speaker Hastert urging him to hold hearings on a new classified report by the nation’s 16 intelligence agencies reportedly concluding that the Bush Administration’s actions in Iraq are increasing the danger of terrorism against the United States, spawning a new generation of Islamic radicalism. More
  • Homeland Security Contracts Waste Hundreds of Millions of Taxpayer Dollars
    Jul 27, 2006  - Ranking Member Waxman and Chairman Davis release a comprehensive report on homeland security contracting that finds pervasive mismanagement and waste. More
  • Rep. Waxman Supports Israel’s Right to Defend Itself
    Jul 20, 2006  - The House overwhelmingly passed H.Res. 921, which condemns the recent attacks against Israel, holds terrorists and their state-sponsors responsible for the attacks and supports Israel’s right to defend itself. More
  • H.R. 4861: The Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act
    May 22, 2006  - Rep. Waxman statement on Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act. More
  • New Questions Raised About White House Role in Leaking Classified Iraq Intelligence
    Apr 6, 2006  - In a letter to President Bush, Rep. Waxman asks for a full accounting of the President's and Vice President's actions in authorizing leaks of classified intelligence about Iraq, while at the same time concealing the President's knowledge of serious doubts about Iraq's pursuit of nuclear weapons. More
  • Rep. Waxman Calls for an Investigation of President Bush's Secret Authorization of Domestic Surveillance
    Jan 9, 2006  - Rep. Waxman and his colleagues ask H. Marshall Jarrett, the Office of Professional Responsibility Counsel, to conduct an investigation into the controversial actions of President Bush who secretly authorized the National Security Agency (NSA) to conduct domestic surveillance operations without warrants and beyond the authority of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The constitutionality of this action is in question. More
  • Multiple Reports Show 2004 Terrorism Increase
    Apr 29, 2005  - In a letter to Secretary of State Rice, Rep. Waxman questions why Administration officials are refusing to acknowledge a significant rise in worldwide terrorist attacks, despite new reports from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, three independent organizations, and the Administration's own data. More