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    Slaughter Announces $7 Million for the NFTA to Purchase 13 New Hybrid Buses
    Thursday, 30 September 2010 15:17

    WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Louise Slaughter (NY-28) today announced that the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority (NFTA) has been awarded a $7 million grant that will allow them to purchase 13 new hybrid buses as part of a national bus repair initiative. The funding comes at an important time when many of the diesel busses currently in the NFTA’s fleet are due to be replaced.

    “I’m so pleased NFTA has been awarded this grant that will allow them to purchase new hybrid buses to replace the old diesel vehicles currently in their fleet,” said Slaughter. “Hybrid buses are cost-effective, environmentally sound and operate with efficiency that a standard diesel bus in incapable of possessing. It does us a great service to have clean, energy-efficient vehicles that provide Western New Yorkers with consistent and reliable transportation options. I'm also pleased that the $7 million will go towards the purchase of vehicles made right here in America.”


    In June, Slaughter wrote to the Federal Transit Administration’s Administrator Peter Rogoff expressing support for the NFTA to receive funding as part of the State of Good Repair Bus and Bus Facilities Initiative. A copy of her letter is below.

    For more information on NFTA visit http://www.nfta.com/


    June 10, 2010

    Administrator Peter Rogoff

    Federal Transit Administration

    400 7th Street SW

    Washington, District of Columbia 20590-0001


    Dear Administrator Rogoff,

    I am writing in support of the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority’s (NFTA) application submitted to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for funding from the State of Good Repair Bus and Bus Facilities Initiative.  If awarded, the NFTA proposes to use this funding to replace twenty life expired diesel buses with environmentally friendly hybrid buses.

    The NFTA’s seventy-eight bus routes travel ten-million miles per year and cover an approximately 1,575-mile service area throughout Erie and Niagara Counties.  In an economy as distressed as Western New York’s, the role of the NFTA Metro Bus Service spans beyond being a mode of transportation.  It actually helps to create an atmosphere wherein struggling families are able to avoid anguish when considering money-saving transportation options.  Bus transportation is intrinsically linked to regional, economic and educational stability.

    Additional buses are needed to continue meeting public demand for consistent and reliable public transportation.  Funding from the FTA will assist the NFTA in meeting its ideal fleet age while addressing other capital and operating needs.  Hybrid buses are cost-effective, environmentally sound and operate with efficiency that a standard diesel bus in incapable of possessing.

    With new buses, the NFTA will continue working to attract new passengers, decrease household costs, dependence on foreign oil and improve regional air quality.  Once again, I am pleased to write in support of the NFTA’s proposal for funding submitted to the Federal Transit Administration.  I hope you to give their application full consideration.



    Louise Slaughter

    Member of Congress

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