Full Committee Markup 10:15 AM, July 21, 2010 2175 Rayburn House Office Buidling
Washington, DC
H.R. 5663 - Miner Safety and Health Act of 2010 was ordered reported, as amended, to the House by a vote of 30 to 17

On Wednesday, July 21, the Education and Labor Committee considered legislation to reform our nation’s mine health and safety laws. The Miner Safety and Health Act (H.R. 5663) would provide stronger tools to ensure that mine operators with troubling safety records improve safety and empower all workers to speak up about safety concerns.

Massey Energy’s Upper Big Branch explosion in April killed 29 miners and highlighted serious flaws in existing laws including the difficulty of the Mine Safety and Health Administration to bring tougher sanctions against the country’s most dangerous mines.
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All legislation and amendments are posted as offered. Any vote result or vote total posted here is unofficial unless accompanied by a PDF of the vote tally.


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