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McNerney Lauds Groundbreaking Clean Energy and Climate Change Legislation PDF Print E-mail

Includes key provisions authored by Rep. McNerney

June 26, 2009

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman McNerney (CA-11) helped pass groundbreaking clean energy and climate change legislation that is estimated to create millions of new jobs, protect consumers from rising energy costs, lessen the effects of climate change, and reduce our dependence on foreign sources of oil.  Congressman McNerney is a member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce that wrote the American Clean Energy and Security Act and he authored four important provisions in the bill.  

“With the passage of this legislation we are one step closer to revitalizing our nation’s economy and cutting our dependence on foreign oil,” said Rep. McNerney.  “I am proud to support this groundbreaking bill that will benefit generations of Americans and lay the foundation for our country’s long-term economic prosperity.”

“Before I came to Congress, I spent over two decades developing clean energy technologies,” continued Rep. McNerney.  “I’ve personally seen these industries grow by leaps and bounds.  This bill will help ensure that the clean energy jobs these industries create remain right here in America.”

“This bill is also crucial to our national security,” said Rep. McNerney.  “For too long, we’ve been dependent on energy from foreign and sometimes hostile countries.  When we’re developing new energy technologies here at home, we’ll be safer for it.  We’ll also ensure cleaner, healthier air for our children and grandchildren by leading the world in addressing the threat of climate change.” 

As a member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, Congressman McNerney authored four key provisions of the bill.  Three of the provisions were based on legislation he previously introduced, the Smart Grid Advancement Act, the Vehicles for the Future Act, and the Grants for Renewable Energy Education for the Nation Act, or the GREEN Act. 

“I am also proud that the legislation includes key provisions I wrote,” said Rep. McNerney.  “I am pleased that bills I introduced to spur the development of a smarter, more effective electric grid, encourage electric vehicle use, and provide funding for clean energy job training programs have been incorporated into the package.”

Congressman McNerney’s fourth provision, championed in conjunction with Congressmen George Miller (CA-07) and Rush Holt (NJ-12) will promote water efficiency and consequently reduce energy consumption by codifying the WaterSense program, which promotes voluntary labeling of products and services that are water efficient. 

The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 219 – 212.  The bill now goes to the Senate for consideration.