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McNerney Announces $1 Million Grant for San Joaquin County Office of Education PDF Print E-mail

July 7, 2009

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-11) announced today that the San Joaquin County Office of Education will receive a $1 million grant from the Department of Education.  The funds are being made available from the Department of Education for programs that improve teachers’ knowledge of and curriculum on the history of the United States. 

“It is great news that San Joaquin County will be receiving a $1 million grant from the Department of Education,” said Rep. McNerney.  “Because of these funds, teachers from our area will be able to participate in informative training programs and develop improved curriculum on the history of the United States.”

“San Joaquin County Office of Education is very proud to receive this grant,” said Dr. Gary Dei Rossi, Assistant Superintendent, San Joaquin County Office of Education.  “It will go a long way in helping to provide teachers with good content knowledge of U.S. History.”

The San Joaquin County Office of Education applied for the funds in partnership with the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools, the Orange County Department of Education, California State University San Bernardino, the First Amendment Center of the Freedom Forum, and the Constitutional Rights Foundation to establish statewide institutes that will house summer teacher training programs.  The focus of the programs will be to increase teacher knowledge of and curriculum development on the role of religion in American history as well as the foundations of religious liberty in the United States.