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McNerney Announces $995,486 Grant for Morgan Hill Unified School District PDF Print E-mail

July 7, 2009

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-11) announced today Morgan Hill Unified School District will receive a $995,486 grant from the Department of Education.  The funds are being made available from the Department of Education for programs that develop and improve teachers’ knowledge of and curriculum on the history of the United States. 

“It is great news that Morgan Hill will be receiving a grant from the Department of Education totaling almost a million dollars,” said Rep. McNerney.  “Because of these funds, teachers from our area will be able to participate in informative training programs and develop improved curriculum on the history of the United States.”

“I am extremely pleased that Morgan Hill Unified will receive this grant,” said Dr. Alan Nishino, Superintendent of Morgan Hill Unified School District.  “It will be put to good use creating new opportunities for our students to learn about our country’s history.”

Morgan Hill Unified School District applied for the grant on behalf of the Central Coast American History Consortium, which is made up of Morgan Hill, Gilroy, San Benito and Hollister School Districts.  The Consortium will use the funds to provide teachers with information, training and support to develop curriculum on American history.