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McNerney's Veterans Health Bill Clears Another Hurdle PDF Print E-mail

Legislation to improve treatment for veterans with traumatic brain injuries closer to becoming law

April 21, 2010

Washington, D.C. – Today, a bill authored by Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-11) to address the needs of veterans who have suffered traumatic brain injuries (TBI) passed the House of Representatives.

“Many service members who were wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan have experienced a traumatic brain injury.  In fact, traumatic brain injuries are the hallmark injuries of these wars,” said Rep. McNerney.  “It is our responsibility to ensure that the Veterans Administration is equipped and ready to provide the ongoing services necessary to fully address the impact of traumatic brain injuries.”

Congressman McNerney’s bill helps develop improved policies for care and rehabilitation of veterans with traumatic brain injuries by establishing a special panel to assess how well the VA treats veterans with TBI.  It will also help establish TBI-specific education and training programs for VA health professionals.

“Our heroic men and women in uniform constantly put their lives on the line,” said Rep. McNerney.  “It is critical that we ensure our veterans receive proper care and treatment for terrible injuries like TBI.  I will do everything I can to make sure we keep our commitment to our veterans.”

Congressman McNerney’s bill passed the House as part of the comprehensive Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act.  The inclusion of Congressman’s bill in this Act is an important step because the legislation reflects language agreed upon by both the House and Senate.  The Senate could take up the Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act in the coming months.