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McNerney Urges Army Corps to Advance Llagas Creek Project PDF Print E-mail

December 2, 2009

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-11) today sent a letter urging the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to promptly advance the Llagas Creek Food Protection project and address the serious threat of flooding in the Morgan Hill area.

Congressman McNerney has consistently worked to secure federal funding for the Llagas Creek Flood Protection Project.  This year, $242,000 of funding will be allocated to the project, based on the Congressman’s request.  The funding was included in legislation that was recently signed into law by the president.  

The Llagas Creek Flood Protection Project encompasses a 13.6 mile area that runs from San Martin to Morgan Hill and includes the communities along Llagas Creek, East Little Llagas Creek, and West Llagas Creek.  The area has flooded repeatedly with damage to homes and businesses, including this past October.  The Llagas Creek Flood Protection Project will help provide flood protection for an estimated 1,100 homes, 500 businesses, and over 1,300 acres of agricultural land in Santa Clara County.   

The text of the letter is below:

December 2, 2009

The Honorable Jo-Ellen Darcy
Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works)
108 Army Pentagon, Room 3E446
Washington, DC 20310

Dear Assistant Secretary Darcy:

I am writing to bring your attention to the Llagas Creek Flood Protection Project and to urge the Army Corps of Engineers to use every available resource to speedily advance this initiative.  I do appreciate the Corps’ efforts to date, but more must be done to bring essential flood protection to thousands of residents of Morgan Hill, CA.

Recent flooding in Morgan Hill and the surrounding area caused significant property damage and public safety hazards.  Following the flooding, I met with local officials and heard firsthand the serious challenges they face due to inadequate flood control infrastructure.  Morgan Hill residents have waited more than 50 years for completion of the Llagas Creek project, and the recent flooding is an unfortunate reminder of the critical importance of federal action to address the situation.

I obtained $242,000 for Llagas Creek in the recently-enacted Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for the 2010 fiscal year.  Completion of the Llagas Creek project is essential and will provide critically needed flood protection to an estimated 1,100 homes, 500 businesses, and 1,300 acres of agricultural land.  This effort has the full backing of its local sponsor, the Santa Clara Valley Water District, as well as the City of Morgan Hill.  Both parties have invested millions to advance this high priority project, and federal agencies should match this commitment and maximize available funding to quickly and aggressively pursue key project goals.

Constructing Llagas Creek flood prevention infrastructure is essential to the safety of Morgan Hill residents and the long-term economic future of the community.  I am committed to fighting for the resources necessary for this project and look forward to continuing to work with you to advance this effort as quickly and thoroughly as possible.

Thank you for your attention to this letter, and I look forward to your reply.


Jerry McNerney
Member of Congress   

Cc: LTC Laurence M. Farrell, Commander, San Francisco District