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McNerney Recognizes Pleasanton Military Families with Congressional Record Statement PDF Print E-mail

November 18, 2009

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-11) spoke today on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives to recognize Pleasanton Military Families, a group which organizes welcome home celebrations for returning servicemembers, sends care packages to troops overseas, and provides support to the families of active military personnel.

The text of the Congressman’s remarks, which have now been added to the official record of the U.S. House of Representatives, is below.

“I rise today to commend the tireless efforts of the Pleasanton Military Families on behalf of the brave women and men in uniform in our Armed Services.

“Created in 2004, the Pleasanton Military Families is a support group for active military personnel and their families based in my hometown of Pleasanton, California.

“The Pleasanton Military Families leads a public recognition program for our service members by hanging yellow streamers along Main Street marked with the names of residents serving in our Armed Forces.  My family was honored that the Pleasanton Military Families hung a yellow pennant for my son Michael while he was serving in the Air Force.

“In addition, Pleasanton Military Families holds warm welcome home ceremonies and sends packages to troops overseas.  All of these efforts to support our active duty personnel and their families give due honor to the sacrifice and service of these young men and women.

“I urge my colleagues to join me in recognizing the Pleasanton Military Families for their dedication and commitment to our men and women in uniform and I yield back.”