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McNerney Honors Police Officer from Brentwood for her Heroic Work PDF Print E-mail


September 8, 2009


Washington, D.C. – Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-11) submitted the following statement to the official record of the U.S. House of Representatives to honor Officer Allison Jacobs, who hails from Brentwood, for her heroic work finding Jaycee Dugard.  Ms. Dugard was reportedly held captive for the past 18 years by an individual and his wife in the town of Antioch, CA.


The text of today’s speech is below.


“It gives me great pleasure to honor officer Allison Jacobs of Brentwood for her work unraveling an 18-year-old case and helping reunite a long-separated family.  By acting on their instincts, Officer Jacobs, and her colleague Lisa Campbell, were able to serve justice by acting on suspicious behavior that resulted in removing an innocent mother and her two young children from a monstrous situation.


“11-year-old Jaycee Dugard was tragically kidnapped on her way to school.  For 18 years, she was reportedly subjected to unspeakable abuse.  Ms. Dugard was denied contact with the outside world, and had it not been for Officer Jacobs' outstanding performance of her duties, the abuse for Jaycee and her daughters would have continued indefinitely.

“Allison Jacobs’ and Lisa Campbell’s intuition, combined with an effective utilization of their training, saved innocent people from further harm, led to the removal of a dangerous person from our streets, and reunited a family torn apart by a deranged criminal. I have the highest regard and admiration for their actions and am proud to represent such an outstanding officer.”