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McNerney Introduces Resolution Honoring Capt. Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger PDF Print E-mail

January 21, 2009

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-11) introduced a resolution honoring the “Hero of the Hudson,” Capt. Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger, a Danville resident and pilot of US Airways flight 1549. 

The resolution, H. Res. 75, honors Mr. Sullenberger and the entire airplane crew for their quick thinking and deft actions in saving the lives of all aboard and preventing any casualties on the ground when US Airways flight 1549 experienced difficulty within minutes of takeoff from New York’s LaGuardia Airport.

H. Res. 75, introduced by Rep. McNerney, is cosponsored by other members of the California Congressional delegation.

The text of the resolution is both pasted below and can be found on Rep. McNerney’s web site at 


Honoring Chesley B. ‘‘Sully’’ Sullenberger III and the crew of US Airways Flight 1549 for their heroism, calm under pressure, and dedication to the safety of passengers on board.

Whereas on January 15, 2009, Chesley B. ‘‘Sully’’ Sullenberger III piloted US Airways Flight 1549, destined for Charlotte, North Carolina, from New York’s LaGuardia Airport;

Whereas 155 people were on board Flight 1549;

Whereas the plane experienced difficulty within minutes of takeoff;

Whereas Mr. Sullenberger’s quick thinking and heroic actions allowed him to set down the plane in the Hudson River, saving the lives of everyone on board and avoiding any casualties on the ground in the densely-populated New York metropolitan area;

Whereas after ditching in the Hudson River and assisting all passengers in evacuating the aircraft, Mr. Sullenberger walked the length of the plane twice to ensure that all passengers had safely exited;

Whereas Mr. Sullenberger has close to 40 years of flying experience, including 7 years in the United States Air Force and nearly 30 years with US Airways;

Whereas Mr. Sullenberger is committed to flight safety and has worked as a safety instructor for his airline; in addition, he developed safety guidelines for the Federal Aviation Administration and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; and

Whereas thanks to the heroism, grace, calmness, determination, and dedication honored by Mr. Sullenberger and the crew of US Airways Flight 1549, 155 lives were saved and many more were spared:

Now, therefore, be it:

Resolved, That the House of Representatives—
(1) honors Chesley B. Sullenberger III as the ‘‘Hero of the Hudson’’;

(2) commends Chesley B. Sullenberger III for his display of courage; and

(3) praises Chesley B. Sullenberger III not only for his commitment to the safety of the passengers on his plane, but for his safety-related efforts with respect to the airline industry as a whole.