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McNerney Pushes for Health Coverage for 11 Million Children PDF Print E-mail


February 4, 2009

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-11) continued his effort to ensure health care for 11 million children by supporting the State Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act.  The bill, H.R. 2, passed the House by a vote of 290-135 and now goes to President Obama for his signature.  President Obama is expected to sign the bill in short order.

“Every young child deserves a healthy start in life,” said Rep. McNerney.  “I was proud to cast a vote that ensures our nation’s children have access to regular health check-ups.”

A similar version of this bill passed the House earlier this year on January 14.  The Senate passed its version of the legislation on January 29 and today’s vote in the House affirmed several small revisions and sent the bill to the President’s desk.

The State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) was created in 1997 to provide health care coverage for children in families that earn too little to afford health insurance but too much to qualify for Medicaid.  This bill will give states the resources and incentives necessary to reach and cover millions of uninsured children who are currently eligible for, but not enrolled in, SCHIP and Medicaid.

“Because of this legislation,” Rep. McNerney continued, “health insurance for 7 million children is preserved and coverage to 4.1 million uninsured children is extended.  In San Joaquin, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, 45,000 children will continue to receive regular health exams, screenings for diabetes, and dental care. ”

The bill is fully paid for by increasing the tax on cigarettes by 62 cents a pack, a change that also discourages children from smoking.  According to the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, an increase of 62 cents a pack in the cigarette tax means that nearly 1,900,000 million fewer children will take up smoking. 

“Given that many families that are struggling to make ends meet in today’s economy, it is more important then ever to make sure our children are not going without medical care” said Rep. McNerney.  “I look forward to this bill being signed into law by President Obama.”

Rep. McNerney has supported multiple different versions of this legislation over the past two years.  Unfortunately, the bill, in various iterations, was vetoed twice by the previous president.