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McNerney Honors Danviile Resident Tanya Lombardi During National Kidney Month PDF Print E-mail

March 3, 2009

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-11) honored Danville resident Tanya Lombardi with a statement on the House floor today for her selfless donation of a kidney to a member of her bookclub, Maxine Moir.  The Congressman’s statement coincides with the start of March as National Kidney Month and brings to light the courageous act of kidney donors across America.  The text of the speech is below. 

“Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ask my colleagues to join me in recognizing the importance of National Kidney Month and honoring Tanya Lombardi, a courageous kidney donor. 

Four years ago, Tanya joined a local book club in Danville, California.  There, she met Maxine Moir.

Maxine needed a new kidney but couldn’t find a donor.  In response, Tanya offered her kidney to Maxine; displaying great compassion and courage.  This past December, Tanya provided Maxine with a miraculous holiday gift. 

After a successful transplant, Tanya and Maxine take weekly walks and remain close friends - a friendship stemming from a unique and incredible relationship that began at the book club. 

Selfless donors like Tanya gave more than 13,000 kidneys in 2008, but many more people need help.  Brave acts of kindness, like those of Tanya Lombardi, continue to bring hope to thousands of people and show that each of us can make a difference.  I urge my colleagues to join me during National Kidney Month in recognizing the selfless acts of kidney donors across America.  I yield back the balance of my time.”