Ken Calvert



For too long government has assumed that a percentage of an individual’s income is owed to them. However, I believe that it is the government who is beholden to the people. Individuals should expect results from the hard earned money that they turn over every year to the federal government. Everyone who works hard deserves to keep the money they earn and, in turn, spend or save as they see fit. By letting the people keep more of their income, they are able to spend more on goods and services thereby contributing to a robust national economy. When taxes are raised, people are inclined to spend less and our economy suffers. That is why, since my first term in office, I have consistently worked for lower taxes and less government spending.

I share hard working Americans’ frustration with the Internal Revenue Service and our current convoluted tax code. I believe that Congress should encourage a full discussion and act on fundamental tax reform. Whether it is a flat income tax, a national sales tax or another idea, I will support a tax plan which provides fairness to the taxpayer and makes the system less complicated.

I have consistently voted for lower taxes, and will continue to do so. In recent years, Congress has cut the marriage penalty tax, increased the child tax credit, lowered tax rates for everyone, and I will continue to work to end the death tax once and for all.

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