Appropriations Requests

In 2006, then-Senator Barack Obama opined, “What Washington needs is adult supervision.”

I agree with the President, and can think of no one better to supervise the actions of Congress than the American people.

In recent years, there has been much debate over wasteful spending in the appropriations “earmark” process in Washington. Much of the controversy surrounding earmarks has to do with the seemingly secretive process through which money is requested and dispersed; a process that critics claim is rife with corruption and waste.

Certainly, the system is far from perfect. But in reality, the overwhelming majority of Congressionally-directed spending pays for essential infrastructure improvements (such as repairing distressed roads and bridges) or core government services (to keep police officers on the street, for instance).

Regardless, I firmly believe that the American public should be the ultimate judge of what constitutes worthwhile spending, and what represents waste or abuse.

That is why I am proud of the projects for which I have worked to secure funding, and am happy to be able to release my list of this year’s spending requests. I have included every request for funding that I made to the Senate Appropriations Committee. I hope that these projects are fully funded, as they will mean a great deal to countless Illinoisans.

I believe in responsibility and accountability in government, and I hope you will feel free to contact me with any questions regarding the appropriations process, specific requests, or projects to move Illinois forward!

Roland W. Burris
United States Senator from Illinois

FY 2011 Appropriations Submissions

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