YouTube's Brand Channel
Joined: March 24, 2006
Last Sign In: 3 days ago
Subscribers: 6,427
Channel Views: 3,372,173
YouTube is a community where people are entertained, informed, educated and inspired through the sharing of video.

YouTube officially launched in December 2005 and has attracted users at a meteoric rate. Today, YouTube has 71 million unique users each month and has the 6th largest audience on the Internet.

Online Video isn't the future, it's the present: 75% of Americans watched a video online last month. And YouTube is far and away the leader in this space with hundreds of millions of videos viewed daily.

YouTube offers a unique opportunity to connect with your audience in a personal and targeted way -- and the ability to do so at massive scale.

Take a look at some of the YouTube Ad Opportunities to discover how your brand can converse with this vibrant community.
Country: United States
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