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Requesting Tours of Washington, DC

You may request tours of Washington, DC by filling out your information and comments below. If you have any questions about tours of our Nation's Capital, or would like to request tours over the phone, please contact my Washington, DC office at 202-225-3176 and ask to speak to the Tour Coordinator.

* indicates required field

Basic Information from Party Leader/Point of Contact
* First Name
*Last Name
*Street Address:
*City *State *Zip Code

South Carolina Phone Number
*Email Address

*Dates in Washington, DC and Available for Tours  
  (ex: 11/14/07 - 11/25/07)
*Number in Party Children Under 15 in Party?   
*Cell Phone or other Washington, DC Contact Number   
Washington, DC Hotel or Area where you are staying   

Tour Selection

The tours below can/must be scheduled through my office. We are more than happy to provide you with information about other attractions in the DC-area, but you must make any required arrangements. Also note that certain tours will require us to ask you for additional, security-related information (see below). Spots on the tours below are all free and are distributed when available on a first come, first served basis. Please check the boxes next to the the tours for which you would like information:


White House - The White House is open for tours Tuesday-Saturday from 7:30AM to 12:30PM, with specific times being assigned by the White House upon confirmation. These tours are assigned on a first come, first serve basis, and tours can be requested up to six months in advance; as such, the earlier your request is made, the better chance your tour will be confirmed. Please note that due to the high volume of requests received by the White House, they are unable to accommodate every request they receive. As such, my office CANNOT guarantee that you will receive a tour. For more information, please visit the White House Tours Web site or download the White House tour information sheet with instructions for groups with confirmed White House tours.


US Capitol Building - Staff-led tours are available Monday-Friday from 9:30AM to 3:00 PM. Please make these requests at least 2 weeks before the tour date to ensure availability of staff. For information about tours through the Capitol Guide Service, please visit their Web site. You may also receive House and Senate Gallery Passes by visiting my DC Office.


Bureau of Engraving and Printing - Congressionally-arranged tours are available Monday-Friday at 8:15AM & 8:45AM (afternoon tours are also available May-Aug.). Public tours are also available - please visit the BEP's web site for information.


US Supreme Court - Congressionally-arranged tours are available Monday-Friday at 2:00PM. For information about public tours of the Court, as well as how you can view Oral Arguments while the Court is in session, please visit their web site.


Library of Congress - Congressional tours are available at 8:30AM and 2:00PM, Monday-Friday. Public tour information is available at the Library of Congress' web site.

Please use the box below to note any special needs or requests.
Security Information - OPTIONAL

The White House REQUIRES security information from guests. To assist you with providing this information, my website gives you the OPTION of submitting this information over a secured, encrypted channel (similar to security procedures used when shopping online). Please note that this information will be held in strict confidence and only passed along to the White House (U.S. Secret Service) for background security clearance. If you do not want to submit this information online, you can provide it to my staff once they contact you regarding your tour.

If you wish to use this feature and submit your information online, please use the box below. All guests 14 years of age and older must submit their legal name, date of birth (mm/dd/yyyy), Social Security Number (no dashes), country of birth and US citizenship status (guests under age 14 must submit full name and date of birth).

<- Click submit to electronically send your tour request to my office. Someone will contact you by e-mail or phone.