var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); /*********************************************************************************** * (c) Ger Versluis 2000 version 5.411 24 December 2001 (updated Jan 31st, 2003 by Dynamic Drive for Opera7) * For info write to * * You may remove all comments for faster loading * ***********************************************************************************/ var NoOffFirstLineMenus=5; // Number of first level items var LowBgColor='#36538D'; // Background color when mouse is not over var LowSubBgColor='#36538D'; // Background color when mouse is not over on subs var LowSubSubBgColor='#9FB0CE'; // Background color when mouse is not over on subs var HighBgColor='#9FB0CE'; // Background color when mouse is over var HighSubBgColor='#9FB0CE'; // Background color when mouse is over on subs var HighSubSubBgColor='#99CCFF'; // Background color when mouse is over on subs var FontLowColor='#FFFFFF'; // Font color when mouse is not over var FontSubLowColor='#FFFFFF'; // Font color subs when mouse is not over var FontSubSubLowColor='#36538D'; // Font color subs when mouse is not over var FontHighColor='#36538D'; // Font color when mouse is over var FontSubHighColor='#36538D'; // Font color subs when mouse is over var FontSubSubHighColor='#36538D'; // Font color subs when mouse is over var BorderColor='#36538D'; // Border color var BorderSubColor='#ffffff'; // Border color for subs var BorderSubSubColor='#9FB0CE'; 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// Frames in cols or rows 1 or 0 var DissapearDelay=500; // delay before menu folds in var TakeOverBgColor=1; // Menu frame takes over background color subitem frame var FirstLineFrame='self'; // Frame where first level appears var SecLineFrame='self'; // Frame where sub levels appear var DocTargetFrame='self'; // Frame where target documents appear var TargetLoc=''; // span id for relative positioning var HideTop=0; // Hide first level when loading new document 1 or 0 var MenuWrap=1; // enables/ disables menu wrap 1 or 0 var RightToLeft=0; // enables/ disables right to left unfold 1 or 0 var UnfoldsOnClick=0; // Level 1 unfolds onclick/ onmouseover var WebMasterCheck=0; // menu tree checking on or off 1 or 0 var ShowArrow=0; // Uses arrow gifs when 1 var KeepHilite=1; // Keep selected path highligthed var Arrws=['tri.gif',5,10,'tridown.gif',10,5,'trileft.gif',5,10]; // Arrow source, width and height function BeforeStart(){return} function AfterBuild(){return} function BeforeFirstOpen(){return} function AfterCloseAll(){return} // Menu tree // MenuX=new Array(Text to show, Link, background image (optional), number of sub elements, height, width); // For rollover images set "Text to show" to: "rollover:Image1.jpg:Image2.jpg" Menu1=new Array("Home","","",0,20,151); Menu2=new Array("About Chris Dodd","","",3,20,151); Menu2_1=new Array("Biography","","",0,20,150); Menu2_2=new Array("Committee Assignments","","",0,35,150); Menu2_3=new Array("Senator Dodd's Voting Record","","",0,35,150); Menu3=new Array("Issues","","",17,20,150); Menu3_1=new Array("Business","","",7,20,150); Menu3_1_1=new Array("Banking","","",0,20,150); Menu3_1_2=new Array("Housing","","",0,20,150); Menu3_1_3=new Array("Insurance","","",0,20,150); Menu3_1_4=new Array("Manufacturing","","",0,20,150); Menu3_1_5=new Array("Securities","","",0,20,150); Menu3_1_6=new Array("Small Business","","",0,20,150); Menu3_1_7=new Array("Technology","","",0,20,150); Menu3_2=new Array("Children & Families","","",5,20,150); Menu3_2_1=new Array("Child Care","","",0,20,150); Menu3_2_2=new Array("Children's Health","","",0,20,150); Menu3_2_3=new Array("Economic Security for Individuals and Working Families","","",0,50,150); Menu3_2_4=new Array("Family Medical Leave Act","","",0,35,150); Menu3_2_5=new Array("Head Start","","",0,20,150); Menu3_3=new Array("Civil Rights","","",5,20,150); Menu3_3_1=new Array("African-American Issues","","",0,35,150); Menu3_3_2=new Array("Disability Rights","","",0,20,150); Menu3_3_3=new Array("Economic Security for Individuals and Working Families","","",0,50,150); Menu3_3_4=new Array("Judiciary","","",0,20,150); Menu3_3_5=new Array("Latino Issues","","",0,20,150); Menu3_4=new Array("Economy","","",6,20,150); Menu3_4_1=new Array("Budget Deficit Reduction","","",0,35,150); Menu3_4_2=new Array("Economic Security for Individuals and Working Families","","",0,50,150); Menu3_4_3=new Array("Outsourcing","","",0,20,150); Menu3_4_4=new Array("Pensions","","",0,20,150); Menu3_4_5=new Array("Taxes","","",0,20,150); Menu3_4_6=new Array("Trade","","",0,20,150); Menu3_5=new Array("Education","","",3,20,150); Menu3_5_1=new Array("Pre-School","","",0,20,150); Menu3_5_2=new Array("Elementary & Secondary School","","",0,35,150); Menu3_5_3=new Array("Post-Secondary School","","",0,35,150); Menu3_6=new Array("Energy","","",0,20,150); Menu3_7=new Array("Environment","","",0,20,150); Menu3_8=new Array("Foreign Affairs & Human Rights","","",8,35,150); Menu3_8_1=new Array("Helping Americans Abroad","","",0,35,150); Menu3_8_2=new Array("Human Rights & The Rule of Law","","",0,35,150); Menu3_8_3=new Array("Iraq","","",0,20,150); Menu3_8_4=new Array("Ireland","","",0,20,150); Menu3_8_5=new Array("Latin America & The Caribbean","","",0,35,150); Menu3_8_6=new Array("Middle East Developments","","",0,35,150); Menu3_8_7=new Array("Sudan","","",0,20,150); Menu3_8_8=new Array("United Nations","","",0,20,150); Menu3_9=new Array("Healthcare","","",2,20,150); //Menu3_9_1=new Array("Children's Health","","",0,20,150); Menu3_9_1=new Array("Prescription Drugs","","",0,20,150); Menu3_9_2=new Array("Women's Health","","",0,20,150); Menu3_10=new Array("Homeland Security","","",2,20,150); Menu3_10_1=new Array("Port Security","","",0,20,150); Menu3_10_2=new Array("Transportation Security","","",0,35,150); Menu3_11=new Array("Law Enforcement","","",1,20,150); Menu3_11_1=new Array("Judiciary","","",0,20,150); Menu3_12=new Array("National Security","","",2,20,150); Menu3_12_1=new Array("Strengthening Our Military","","",0,35,150); Menu3_12_2=new Array("Terrorism","","",0,20,150); Menu3_13=new Array("National Service","","",1,20,150); Menu3_13_1=new Array("Peace Corps","","",0,20,150); Menu3_14=new Array("Safeguarding Our Democracy","","",3,35,150); Menu3_14_1=new Array("Campaign Finance Reform","","",0,35,150); Menu3_14_2=new Array("Election Reform","","",0,20,150); Menu3_14_3=new Array("FISA","","",0,20,150); Menu3_15=new Array("Seniors","","",2,20,150); Menu3_15_1=new Array("Medicare","","",0,20,150); Menu3_15_2=new Array("Social Security","","",0,20,150); Menu3_16=new Array("Transportation","","",3,20,150); Menu3_16_1=new Array("Bikes & Pedestrians","","",0,20,150); Menu3_16_2=new Array("Future Innovations","","",0,20,150); Menu3_16_3=new Array("Railroads","","",0,20,150); Menu3_17=new Array("Veterans","","",2,20,150); Menu3_17_1=new Array("Life Insurance & Death Benefits","","",0,35,150); Menu3_17_2=new Array("Veterans' Healthcare","","",0,20,150); Menu4=new Array("Media Center","","",8,20,151); Menu4_1=new Array("Press Releases","","",0,20,150); Menu4_2=new Array("Speeches and Statements","","",0,35,150); Menu4_3=new Array("Editorials & Op-eds","","",0,20,150); Menu4_4=new Array("Video","","",0,20,150); Menu4_5=new Array("Events & Photos","","",0,20,150); Menu4_6=new Array("Podcasts & Blog","","",0,20,150); Menu4_7=new Array("Twitter Updates","","",0,20,150); Menu4_8=new Array("In the News","","",0,20,150); //Menu4_2=new Array("Floor Speeches","","",0,20,150); //Menu4_5=new Array("Multimedia","","",0,20,150); Menu5=new Array("Constituent Services","","",10,20,151); Menu5_1=new Array("Contact Senator Dodd","","",0,20,150); Menu5_2=new Array("Government Information for Every Stage of Life","","",0,50,150); Menu5_3=new Array("Visiting Washington","","",0,20,150); Menu5_4=new Array("Help With Government Agencies","","",0,35,150); Menu5_5=new Array("Service Academy Nominations","","",0,35,150); Menu5_6=new Array("Grants Assistance","","",0,20,150); Menu5_7=new Array("Commemorative Greetings","","",0,35,150); Menu5_8=new Array("Internships","","",0,20,150); Menu5_9=new Array("Capitol Flags","","",0,20,150); Menu5_10=new Array("Kids' Corner","","",0,20,150); } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 06:01:48 Dec 18, 2008 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 16:58:48 Apr 27, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): RulesEngine.query: 0.011 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 2173.355 PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 10.682 */