Bachmann Blog

  • Restoring the GOP
    Dec 16, 2008  - The Hill newspaper's Congress Blog posed a question today to Capitol Hill's influential lawmakers, pundits and interest group leaders in their weekly "Big Question" feature: "What’s the next step for the GOP on the path back to electoral competitiveness?" Here's what I had to say: "The resu... More
  • Government Takeover Grows Bigger and Bigger
    Dec 12, 2008  -  A front page story in Thursday's USA Today newspaper caught my attention: "Federal share of economy soaring" The article warns that the seemingly endless flow of bailout money flooding from the U.S. Treasury Department to Bear Stearns, AIG, the financial markets, etc., has put the federal sh... More
  • Government to the Rescue...Again
    Dec 11, 2008  - Late Wednesday night, Congress passed the Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act.  Like bailouts in the past, I firmly opposed it, as it offered no assurances that it would fix the failing business models that put the Big Three in this position to begin with, while offering no protection for ... More
  • Bailout Battle for the Auto Industry
    Dec 10, 2008  - Late Tuesday night, the White House and the Congressional Leadership reached a general agreement on a $15-billion bailout bill for the auto industry. There are still some points that reportedly need to be worked out, and some Senate Republicans remain reluctant to support the package, which could th... More
  • Our Washington, D.C. Office is Moving
    Dec 2, 2008  - On Thursday, December 4th, my Washington, D.C. office will be closed as we move to a different office space.  My new office address will be 107 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515.  My Washington phone number and fax number will not change, and neither will any of my Woodbury and Wa... More
  • Checking Out "Card Check"
    Nov 24, 2008  - When the 111th Congress convenes in January, one of the first pieces of legislation Congressional leadership will bring to the floor is the Employee Free Choice Act, also known as "card check." The House passed the bill last year 241 to 185 – over my opposition, but it was hung up in the Senate ... More
  • Next Up...The Auto Industry
    Nov 18, 2008  - Fresh off the $700 billion-plus financial service sector bailouts, including the most recent dole to AIG that upped their bailout total from $85 billion to $150 billion, the Democrat-controlled Congress is trying to rationalize a new $25 billion bailout for the auto industry. For years, the Ameri... More
  • Step Right Up To Receive Your Bailout
    Nov 13, 2008  - If you haven't applied for your bailout yet, what are you waiting for? The way the government's handing out money, why not jump on board the bailout train? The World Newser, ABC World News' Daily Blog does a great job detailing how the Treasury Department is using the recently passed $700 billion... More
  • Lock It Up!
    Nov 12, 2008  -  Over the weekend, Obama's Transition Team Co-Chair John Podesta said on Fox News Sunday, “There is a lot that the President can do using his executive authority without waiting for congressional action, and I think we will see the President do that.” What's being considered? According to the... More
  • The Threat of the Fairness Doctrine is Very Real
    Nov 7, 2008  - With Democrats about to take over the White House and control the Senate and House in greater numbers during the next session of Congress, the threat of the fairness doctrine becoming a reality is very, very real. Here's what Senator Schumer has to say about it: According to the Politico ... More