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Yarmuth's $45 million Request for New VA Hospital Approved by House


Louisville hospital is sole project to receive funding not requested by President

(Washington, DC) Today, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved the FY09 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill, which includes Congressman John Yarmuth’s (KY-3) request for $45 million to begin construction on a new Veterans Affairs Health Center in Louisville.

“Louisville’s veterans deserve the best care possible, and now we know they will get it,” Congressman Yarmuth said.  “This is a huge victory for our medical community and each of the more than 100,000 veterans that live in and around Louisville.”  

This is the first time that money for the hospital has been approved by either chamber of Congress.  The Senate must now complete its version of the bill before it can move forward.

The bipartisan legislation also expands access to and strengthens the quality of veterans health care for the 5.8 million patients, include 333,000 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan by:

  • Increasing enrollment in VA medical care for low-income veterans.  The Bush Administration stopped enrolling these veterans prior the Iraq invasion;
  • Strengthening mental health care for the growing number of veterans with PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury -- providing $3.8 billion;
  • Providing veterans with advanced prosthetics -- investing $116 million more than the President requested– helping those who have lost limbs rebuild their lives;
  • Bolstering maintenance at other VA medical facilities to prevent another Walter Reed-like tragedy – a $300 million increase over the President; and
  • Increasing gas mileage reimbursement from 28.5 to 41.5 cents per mile for veterans traveling to get health care to help those in rural areas.

The bill is endorsed by all of the major veterans groups–  including Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Disabled Veterans of America, Paralyzed Veterans of America, and AMVETS – as it “reflects the continuing cost of war and the personal investments in national security by the men and women of the Armed Forces.”