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Yarmuth Announces $250,000 for Louisville's ElderServe

Louisville lawmaker pursuing legislation to expand organization’s
Emergency Crisis Response Team Program this spring

(Washington, DC)  Today, Congressman John Yarmuth’s (KY-3) announced that ElderServe, a non- profit senior service organization founded in 1962, will receive $250,000 in federal funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).   

“ElderServe’s commitment to the safety and stability of Louisville’s seniors sets a national standard for keeping an aging population secure in today’s society,” Congressman Yarmuth said.  “With 76 million baby boomers approaching retirement age those precautions and support services are becoming increasingly necessary all throughout our country.  ElderServe has given us the model and I am proud to work with them to make sure they have the resources to help expand the program to meet the needs of all America’s seniors.”

“This is another example of Congressman Yarmuth’s understanding of the needs of the community as a whole and our ability to work together to serve some of the most vulnerable populations in our community,” said Harriet Friedlander, Executive Director of ElderServe Inc.  “This funding will allow us to continue our services to the residents of Dosker Manor, which is the largest public housing development in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.”

The funding will help ElderServe offer social services, home care, telephone reassurance, education, health promotion, and county wide projects. The services are provided to senior victims of violent crime age 60 and older throughout Jefferson County.

Their Emergency Crisis Response Team inspired Yarmuth to pursue legislation to create a network to extend and coordinate their services nationwide.  The team provides immediate, short-term (up to five days)  emergency shelter, home care services, food, clothing, transporting to medical and legal appointments, prescription refills, pet care and other emergency services to Louisville seniors who are experiencing abuse, neglect or exploitation as a result of crime.

Each year an estimated 2.1 million older Americans are victims of physical, psychological, or other forms of abuse and neglect.  Nearly 70 percent of Adult Protective Service agencies’ annual caseloads involve elder abuse of both men and women of all races, social classes, and geographic areas.