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Yarmuth Elected President of the Freshman Class

(Washington, D.C.) This morning, Congressman John Yarmuth (KY-3) was elected president of the 43 freshman democrats, the “majority makers.”

"Kentucky's third Congressional District is represented by a true public servant, who is an extraordinary and effective voice in Congress, especially on behalf of the people of Louisville,” said Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi.  “He has proven to be a tireless advocate for the values and priorities of all his constituents. I congratulate Congressman Yarmuth and commend him for his principled leadership on behalf of our new Democratic Members.”

“In 2007, this class came to Washington to better advocate for the values of our communities and change the direction of the country, and I am honored to lead the class in 2008,” Congressman Yarmuth said.  “Last year, we worked to end the culture of corruption in Washington and restored checks and balances to the system.  Now, in our second year, we intend to continue that momentum, strengthening America and restoring faith in the future.”

The class meets weekly with Speaker Nancy Pelosi to discuss policy initiatives, message strategy, and the nation’s direction.