House Press Gallery

The Capitol, Room H-315, phone (202) 225-3945

Superintendent - Jerry L. Gallegos

Deputy Superintendent - Justin J. Supon

Assistant Superintendents -

Ric Andersen – Laura Reed – Drew Cannon – Molly Cain



Under the stewardship of the Standing Committee of Correspondents since 1879, pursuant to Clause 2 of Rule 6, the House Press Gallery approves applications for membership and enforces rules and standards of conduct for newspaper reporters covering Congress. Working in concert with the gallery superintendent and staff, the Standing Committee maintains liaison with the Speaker and appropriate committees for overseeing the physical condition of the press gallery.

Standing Committee of Correspondents

Andrew Taylor Associated Press, Chairman

Carl Hulse The New York Times, Secretary

Susan Ferrechio Washington Examiner

Laura Litvan Bloomberg

Alan K. Ota Congressional Quarterly


The press gallery staff provides several major functions for the press and Members of Congress. The gallery provides general workspace with an accessible point for members to reach reporters. The staff answers inquiries from reporters and congressional staff regarding current information and historical perspective on House floor and committee activities. The staff keeps an up to the minute log on the daily House proceedings, along with files of current and historical legislative activity. The staff also posts press releases and committee notices in the gallery, with a copy of each member's release distributed to the major news wires.

The gallery staff receives copies of Roll Call votes taken in the House. The gallery staff facilitates reporters’ coverage of committee and subcommittee meetings by working with committee staff. It is the duty of the gallery staff to ensure ample work space for reporters covering committee meetings, provide copies of hearing testimony and write and distribute the daily schedule of House committee meetings to major news outlets. Finally, the press gallery staff works to familiarize Members, staff and Congressional committees with daily gallery operations and services and the workings of the Congressional Press Corps.


Accreditation for Daily Newspapers to cover both House and Senate is handled through the Senate Press Gallery.

Press Releases

Releases (ten copies) should be delivered to the House Press Gallery in room H-319 of the U.S. Capitol. No releases are accepted via fax.