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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson`s Statement on the Evacuation of Los Alamos May 10, 2000
WASHINGTON, DC – Congresswoman Heather Wilson has been in contact with federal and state officials about the fire threatening the City of Los Alamos. Wilson has spoken with the Chief of Staff of the Department of Energy, the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Administration, the Office of the Governor, the Office of the Speaker of the House, the Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and other federal intelligence officials.

Wilson issued the following statement late this afternoon:

“First and foremost, my thoughts and prayers are with the people of Los Alamos and Northern New Mexico. I’m concerned about the safety of everyone in the area. I know that there are hundreds of dedicated firefighters, police officers, and other public safety officials working around the clock to fight this fire, and I thank them for the life-saving work they continue to faithfully perform today. I am confident that New Mexicans will band together to help the thousands of families and individuals displaced by the Cerro Grande Fire.

“Using my position on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, I have asked that federal assets that are normally used for national security be used to monitor Los Alamos for the purposes of assuring public health and safety. I have been assured that this will happen and that people will be notified if there is a problem.

“I commend the employees of Sandia National Laboratories for organizing an effort to house people from Los Alamos who need a place to stay. My husband and I have offered our spare bedrooms through the Sandia effort.

“I want to thank the President for declaring a state of emergency so that FEMA resources can be brought to bear.

“I’ve spoken to federal and state officials about efforts to ensure the safety of the people of Los Alamos. I will work with Governor Gary Johnson in his efforts to work with the Federal Emergency Management Administration and the President, and will help in any way necessary with the allocation of federal resources. I have also spoken with officials in the Department of Energy Defense Programs about efforts underway to protect sensitive areas at the Laboratory. I will do all that I can to support state efforts with this terrible tragedy both as we continue to fight the fire and as we begin to deal with its effects.”

Wilson is a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, as well as the Energy and Power Subcommittee of the House Commerce Committee.

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