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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

The President August 23, 2001
Dear Friends, I hadn`t seen the new, really big, Air Force One until it landed at Kirtland Air Force Base on Wednesday. Even the airplane taxi`s with authority, pulling quickly and precisely into place on the tarmac in the morning sun. Looking up at that aircraft, easily three stories high with the American flag on the tail, I had to lean down to Cody Unser and say, "Isn`t this a wonderful country?" The President`s visit to Griegos elementary school went very well. He was relaxed and at ease with the kids and the parents. He likes people, and that came through so clearly at Griegos. The President is a passionate man. His commitment to "leaving no child behind" is personal and heartfelt. I think that came through we he talked, without notes, to people in the gym at Griegos. And the kids on the stage all got boxes of M&Ms; with the Presidential Seal on them. That was a nice touch! After lunch the President met with a group of faith-based leaders from around the state. It was a brief meeting, but a good one, I think. The President`s faith-based initiative is only partially about where public funds go. More fundamentally, it is about recognizing and supporting the role of faith in the lives of people and the life of the nation. We are a people of diverse faiths, but we are a faithful people. There are a lot of people hurting and hopeless in America. Government can fund things. It can administer laws and mete out justice. It can provide a social safety net of benefits and protections. But Government cannot love. And, ultimately, it is love that can most change lives. It happens one person at a time, and it is our communities of faith where we find much of that selfless caring going on in our communities. It`s been a great week. Good to be home, Heather

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