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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

It`s more than hot air... September 25, 2003
Dear Friends, My predecessor in this office, Steve Schiff, and his predecessor, Manuel Lujan, made constituent service a priority. So do we. Sometimes, the things that get messed up in federal red tape are a very big deal.

The organizers of the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta contacted us this week. It seems that the FAA just changed the rules for pilots with foreign licenses. Less than 30 days in advance of the biggest hot air balloon gathering in the world, they said every international pilot has to have a flight review before flying in America. And it’s effective immediately. The new rule isn’t just for balloon pilots. In fact, the FAA probably wasn’t even thinking about balloons when they made their ruling. But it sure affects the Fiesta. International Pilots are probably not scheduled to arrive early enough to get a check ride. And, unlike fixed wing aircraft, you can’t just take off at anytime for a few quick touch and goes and get signed off. That’s even more true for the gas balloons.

ondering how to get around Balloon Fiesta Park? Here are some maps of the park that will help you find your way.
Last year, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta was Americas second largest sporting event – second to the Winter Olympics. It brings lots of tourism to New Mexico and that means money into our economy and jobs for New Mexicans. Rules like this one from the FAA will really hurt. So, I wrote a letter to the Secretary of Transportation, Norm Minetta, faxed it over and then called him personally to see if the FAA can waive the requirement for pilots coming to the Balloon Fiesta. He understood the problem and that hot air balloons were probably not the threat the FAA was trying to address. He also understood how important this is for Albuquerque. I hope to hear back from him today. See you at the launch field. Wish you were here,

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