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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

A healthy Bosque... July 03, 2003
Dear Friends, Sorry I haven’t written for a while. There’s sure been a lot happening and much to write about. Monday I went down to the Bosque with the firefighters and the chief biologist for the Conservancy District. We saw where the fire was, and we also saw another site where there was a fire about a year ago to see how the area has recovered. The charred trees are a sad sight but maybe this is the wake-up call everyone needs. The Bosque is not healthy. With the end of regular flooding in the fifties, dead and down limbs don’t get washed away.

Heather listens as Stirling Grogan from the Rio Grande Conservancy District talks about Bosque health. Both Wilson and Grogan donned protective gear for an early morning tour of the burn area Monday.
The Salt Cedar and Russian Olive, not native to New Mexico, have filled up the forest floor. The jetty jacks, those big tank trap-like things, are no longer useful and keep firefighters from being able to get down into the Bosque. Our firefighters deserve a huge thank you for the work they did last week. To protect our homes, they took some pretty big risks. They’re heroes, and they have our gratitude. Now it’s up to all of us to prevent the next wildfire and restore the Bosque to the healthy place it once was. Good to be home,

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