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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Christmas at the White House December 11, 2002
Dear Friends, The snow and ice that blanketed Washington last weekend lingers on marble steps and sidewalks. Monday evening was the annual White House Congressional Ball. I`m sure you won`t be surprised that I`m not big on taffeta and sequins, but my good husband does look sharp in a tux and there is something particularly beautiful about the White House at Christmas. This year, the main foyer had towers of poinsettias shaped like Christmas trees and the theme throughout America`s mansion, chosen by the First Lady, was "All Creatures Great and Small". There was a huge gingerbread house replica of the White House in the state dining room in exquisite detail complete with marzipan animals depicting all of the pets that have occupied the White House over the years. Have a look at the Oval Office with your personal tour guide, President George W. Bush. The President and Mrs. Bush spent two hours in the receiving line greeting each guest. Military officers in formal attire welcomed guests and announced the arrival of each couple to the President and First Lady. The Marine Band played in the foyer and remarkably nimble waiters in black jackets made their way through the crowd. Each time I have visited this grand mansion, there is some other little detail that catches my eye. They have added a Georgia O`Keefe painting to the White House collection -- a scene from Bear Lake near Taos -- and this year I found myself drawn to Gilbert Stuart`s portrait of George Washington that was saved by Dolly Madison when the British burned Washington in the War of 1812. But of all the things to like, my favorite is still the inscription over the fireplace in the state dining room under the portrait of a pensive Lincoln. FDR had it placed there in marble. It was in the closing of a letter written by John Adams to his wife, Abigail, on November 2, 1800, the morning after he became the first occupant of the newly finished White House. "I pray heaven to bestow the best of blessings on this house and all that shall hereafter inhabit. May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof." I hope this holiday season is bringing blessings to you and your family. Wish you were here,

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