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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Singing for the Unsung March 12, 2001
Richard and Janet Steele say that Elizabeth O. is an unsung hero. The Steele’s nominated their friend, whom they’ve known for more than thirty years, to be recognized in Congress during National Women’s History Month.

“She works for very low wages for the State of New Mexico as a caseworker,” wrote the Steele’s in their nomination of Elizabeth. “She cares about her job and her clients. When she is not on the job, she volunteers countless hours for the American Red Cross as a disaster relief worker and a First Aid Trainer. She gives to people on the job. She gives to people as a volunteer. She does this without complaining about the leg she lost at the age of 18 to cancer, the epilepsy she lives with, or the Neurofibromatoses
— tumors that grow along various types of nerves due to a genetic disorder — that plague her.”

You can nominate a New Mexico woman to be recognized by Congresswoman Heather Wilson during National Women`s History Month.

In honor of Women’s History Month, Congresswoman Heather Wilson is asking New Mexicans to nominate women in New Mexico who have given special service to our community. All nominations must be received by March 19th and all of the nominees must be female residents of New Mexico.

Holly Buchanan nominated a local middle school principal to be recognized during National Women’s History Month as a leader in our education system. Virginia Eubanks runs Eisenhower Middle School in Albuquerque, the school that Holly’s 14-year-old son, Brent, attends.

“Those nominated for this award should ensure that the lessons of history are remembered and should assure creation of a new legacy,” says Holly. “Ms. Virginia Eubanks has been such an exemplary role model. As principal at Eisenhower Middle School and as a leader in the Albuquerque Public School System, Ms. Eubanks has been a key component of a quality, middle school environment. An environment where children, during a critical period of adolescence, can be nurtured to learn lessons from history and explore ways they can make their own. I support her nomination wholeheartedly.”

You can nominate a New Mexico woman to be recognized by Congresswoman Heather Wilson during National Women’s History Month.

Think you don’t know an unsung hero?

We’ll bet you do. She could be the principal at your neighborhood school. She could be somebody you’ve known for years who is passionate about helping others while quietly dealing with her own pain.

Look around. Unsung heroes are among us. This is your chance to help sing their praises.

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