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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Assuring Public Safety May 26, 2004
Heather is backing local police and immigration advocates who say immigration enforcement should remain a federal law enforcement responsibility.

Following an informational session today with concerned law enforcement officials, immigration advocates, and immigrants themselves, Heather announced she is opposed to H.R. 2671, the CLEAR Act, (Clear Law Enforcement for Criminal Alien Removal Act of 2003).

"I oppose the bill in its current form because local law enforcement does not have the resources to do this federal job. I am opposed to illegal immigration, and I encourage people to follow our immigration laws. But the CLEAR Act isn`t the way to take this challenge on."

--Congresswoman Heather Wilson

"Albuquerque law enforcement officers I`ve spoken to are concerned that this law could strain our already overburdened police force," continued Heather. "I agree. And there`s also concern that this will reduce the likelihood that victims of crime, or potential witnesses, will come forward because of a fear of law enforcement. This makes an already tough situation that much harder for investigators and for victims of crime. This would roll back the amazing progress Albuquerque law enforcers have made with community policing."

"Local police officers are not trained immigration officials and I think we do a disservice to public safety if we force them into that position," says City Councilor Eric Griego. Griego has introduced a resolution in the Albuquerque City Council opposing federal legislation requiring local police to enforce immigration laws. "I look forward to working with Congresswoman Wilson and other officials in a bipartisan effort to support our city`s immigrants and their rights."

The CLEAR Act would require state and local officers to arrest and detain illegal aliens during the normal course of their duty.

"On behalf of local law enforcement, we have serious concerns with federal legislation which may result in a mandate to local police to enforce immigration law," said Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White. "There are provisions within the CLEAR Act which I find troubling and at the very least require clarification. I am grateful to Congresswoman Wilson for her vigilance in pursuing this matter."

Click here for more information from the National Immigration Forum. Click here for more information from the Heritage Foundation.

"If passed, this legislation would endanger already vulnerable immigrant populations and would particularly have disastrous consequences for immigrant survivors and witnesses of domestic violence, sexual assault, and trafficking," said Claudia Medina, executive director of Enlace Comunitario. "Victims who wish to seek the protection of the police will have to make the agonizing choice between calling the police and risking deportation -- which could entail the abrupt separation from and danger to their children -- and continued abuse."

"My staff has spoken with police officers with APD`s homicide unit, and they have real concerns with how this would affect murder investigations," Heather said. "The fact, is our police are stretched thin. This new job would stretch them even more, and undermine their ability to work with the community to protect us and to enforce criminal laws."

Heather has always been a strong supporter of legal immigration.

"We are a nation of immigrants. Most of us can trace our families back to an ancestor that came to America to build a better life for themselves and their families."

Deacon Juan Barajas, Director of the Archdiocese` Hispanic Ministry, thanked Heather for her opposition to the CLEAR Act.
"I support legal immigration that allows families to be reunited and allows a number of hard-working people who want to help build this great country to come to this country," said Heather. "Prosperity on both sides of border are important to removing the incentives people have for coming here illegally."

Currently, immigration laws fall under the federal umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security, not local law enforcement. This bill would require police to arrest and detain persons based upon suspected or alleged violations of civil immigration laws, thereby diverting state and local law enforcement agencies from enforcing state criminal laws. H.R. 2671 would shift a large burden of immigration enforcement responsibility to local police.

The bill has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.

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