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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico



January 01, 2001
When Medicare was created in 1965, no one could have imagined the positive and often lifesaving role prescription drugs play in keeping Americans healthy today. In fact, the primary treatment for many illnesses today is not an operating room visit, but a trip to a local pharmacy to fill a doctor’s prescription. For too many seniors on fixed incomes, however, filling that prescription might mean cutting back on some other critical necessity, and that’s not right.

No senior should ever have to choose between food and medicine, which is why I’m working to add a prescription drug benefit to Medicare. All seniors should be able to get the medication they need at prices they can afford to lead healthy and active lives.

Thankfully, more than two-thirds of older Americans have prescription drug coverage today. But for those one-third who don’t, the burden is great, especially for rural Americans and women. Almost eight out of 10 women on Medicare use prescription drugs regularly, and most of them pay for these medications out of pocket. In total, women spend 13 percent more than men do for prescription drugs, in spite of the fact that on average, their incomes are 40 percent lower.

To address this situation, I voted to strengthen Medicare with a new prescription drug benefit. The plan that passed the House and is now being considered in the Senate follows a few important principals. For those seniors who have drug coverage, you can continue to enjoy the coverage you have if you want to. It’s your choice. But for those that don’t, we want to help them obtain coverage through Medicare or through a private plan like those that are offered now through Medicare Choice. For low income seniors, the government will pay the premiums for this coverage, but the coverage will be available to everyone. By doing this, we can reduce drug prices for all seniors. In June, I voted for a plan that will accomplish the following:

* Lower drug prices and expands access to prescription drugs for all beneficiaries without threatening the patient-doctor relationship.
* Protect against higher drug prices and runaway out-of-pocket costs.
* Expand seniors’ right to choose the coverage that best suits their needs through a voluntary and universally-offered benefit.
* Reject big government approach with a public-private partnership that lowers premiums.
* Invest $40 billion to modernize and strengthen Medicare.
* Ensure that today’s scientific research and medical innovation will continue to find tomorrow’s cures.

As with all bills, I expect there will be more refinements as we work this issue through the Congress. I hope to continue to work in a bipartisan way to get the job done.

If you’d like more information about our prescription drug plan, please contact my office in Albuquerque at 346-6781, and as Congress continues working on this issue, I’d like to hear your thoughts.

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