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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson`s Request For Emergency Fire-Fighting Funds Approved May 25, 2000
WASHINGTON, DC – Congresswoman Heather Wilson’s request to include $350 million in emergency funds for federal land management agencies was approved by the House Appropriations Committee earlier today. Earlier this year the House approved $350 million in emergency funds to help fight wildfires on federal lands as part of an emergency appropriations package, however, the bill was not approved by the Senate. As a result, Congresswoman Wilson met with the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and the Chairman of the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee and requested that they include the funding in the fiscal year 2001 spending package.

“With the weather forecast calling for hot and dry conditions in the southwest to continue, this emergency funding is critical to ensure that we have the resources to deal what many are expecting to be a bad year for wildfires,” said Wilson. “The Cerro Grande and Scott Able fires have already taken a tremendous toll on the fire-fighting resources in New Mexico, therefore, the addition of these funds would be welcome relief as we enter the summer fire season.”

Specifically, the legislation provides funding for emergency rehabilitation, presuppression, and wildfire suppression activities on BLM land, National Park land and National Forests. The bill provides $100 million for the BLM, $100 million for the National Parks Service and $150 million for the US Forest Service.


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