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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson to Governement: Accept Responsibility May 15, 2000
ALBUQUERQUE, NM – Congresswoman Heather Wilson has authored a resolution that calls for the federal government to accept responsibility for the damage done by the Cerro Grande Fire and compensate the victims. The non-binding resolution is scheduled to be voted on by the House tomorrow.

Wilson’s resolution states, “That it is the sense of the Congress that the Federal Government should (A) take responsibility for the fire intentionally set by the National Park Service at the Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico, on May 4, 2000, which burned out of control near Los Alamos, New Mexico; and (B) take all necessary steps to mitigate all threats to public health and well-being of the residents of New Mexico; and take all necessary steps to compensate the people of New Mexico for the loss incurred as a result of National Park Service actions.”

“The outpouring of generosity shown by the people of New Mexico since the thousands of residents of Los Alamos and White Rock were evacuated has been incredible. It`s that kind of commitment to each other that characterizes New Mexico,” said Wilson. “Now the federal government must show the same strength of character and accept responsibility for this catastrophe. While FEMA has done an admirable job proving temporary relief for the victims there is much more that will need to be done. There is no way the government can replace the keepsakes, the photographs and the family heirlooms that are gone. We can’t “make things whole” in that very personal sense. But the federal government should pay to rebuild what can be restored and replaced. It’s not about liability. It’s about responsibility.”

Last Friday, Congresswoman Wilson talked to the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee Bill Young (R-FL) and to the chairman of Subcommittee on Interior Appropriations, Ralph Regula (R-OH). Wilson secured their commitment to work with her and the entire New Mexico delegation to ensure the federal government accepts responsibility for the fire. Additionally, Wilson has been working with the House Resources Committee to schedule investigative hearings in both New Mexico and Washington in the near future.

Wilson has also spoken to the Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert and he has pledged his help as well. “Representative Heather Wilson has fully briefed me on the situation in Los Alamos and the surrounding area. I pledged to her that we would work together to make federal resources available to help the people of this area recover from this disaster,” said Hastert.

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