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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

An Energy Bill with Energy July 03, 2007

Dear Friends,

I`m in New Mexico this week. This will be the last postcard from me before we launch our "new and improved" web site and updated e-news. Look for that in mid-July.

Everyone is concerned about the high price of gas at the pump. We need a balanced, long-term plan to make America more energy independent.

The August 2005 energy bill did some important things to move us in that direction. And, in the fall of 2006, we passed legislation to expand exploration on the continental shelf in the Gulf of Mexico.

Last week, we spent two days in the Energy and Commerce Committee on another energy bill. It was pretty disappointing and far narrower in scope than the bill recently passed in the Senate.

The Democrats are deeply divided on whether and how to change car fuel efficiency standards, and whether and how to promote coal to liquid technology. So, they decided not to deal with those issues and wrote the bill so narrowly that no amendments would be allowed on these matters and a whole host of others.

There`s not much energy in the House energy bill.

I offered several amendments, including one comprehensive bill very similar to the legislation that recently passed the Senate.

We need to keep moving forward to make America more energy independent.

That means exploration here at home, conservation, and developing alternative sources of supply.

Have a great Fourth of July and look for our new web site in mid-July!

Good to be home,


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