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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Education Tool Kit August 09, 2006

"We want a great public school in every neighborhood. Providing the best possible math and science education is the foundation of a long term strategy to keep jobs here and help our next generation compete in a global economy."
Rep. Heather Wilson
What Can Parents Do To Make Sure Their Children Are Prepared For The 21st Century?

Tips for parents!
  • Make sure your child understands the importance of math in elementary school, and encourage your child to take more math, science and critical language courses in high school. Take Action: Learn your State`s math and science requirements for high school graduation. Encourage your child to take four years of math and four years of science in high school, even if it is not required.
  • Encourage your child to take more Advanced Placement (AP) courses in high school. Take Action: Find out what AP courses your child`s high school offers. Make sure they meet the true definition of Advanced Placement and are not simply "honors" courses. If the school does not offer any, encourage it to do so.
  • Encourage your child`s teacher to take advantage of the Department of Education`s Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative. Take Action: Find out if your child`s teacher is "highly qualified." Find out if your child`s middle school or high school math and science teachers have degrees in their field.
  • Get involved in helping your child`s school improve. When a school is identified for improvement, meaning it has not made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for at least two consecutive years, school officials are required to work with parents, school staff, the local educational agency, and outside experts to develop a plan to improve the school. Take Action: Find out if your child`s school is "in need of improvement." If it is, ask if there is a plan in place to help your child`s school improve. Click here to read about this year`s 2006 Star teacher recipient!
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