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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Reintroduces Teacher Tax Credit February 17, 2005
Wilson Bill Has Incentive for Good Teachers in Disadvantaged Schools; Many NM Educators Would Qualify

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Heather Wilson today introduced the Teacher Tax Credit Act of 2005 to provide an important incentive for good teachers to consider disadvantaged schools.

Wilson began this legislative effort in 2003, and gained 59 bipartisan cosponsors in the 108th Congress. The bill has the backing of Congressman John Boehner, Chairman of the House Education Committee. Congressman Bob Etheridge, D-NC, is an original cosponsor.

Wilson’s bill provides a $2,000 non-refundable tax credit for teachers, instructors, counselors, principals, or aides who teach or work full-time in a Title I elementary or secondary school, including 61 Albuquerque schools.

“We need qualified, competent teachers to stay in the neighborhoods that need them most,” Wilson said. “The Teacher Tax Credit Act will help recruit and retain teachers in the most needed areas.”

As the only former state schools chief serving in Congress, I know that teachers make the difference for our schools and our children. That’s why I am committed to helping our schools recruit and retain quality teachers, especially for our low-income schools. I want to help; Congress should help; and the Teacher Tax Credit Act will help,” Etheridge said.

“The United States will need to hire two million teachers in the coming decade. A surge in teacher retirement and growth in enrollment of students are major contributing factors to the need for more teachers. But the need is most pressing in disadvantaged schools, because of the distribution of teachers between affluent and disadvantaged schools.

“Disadvantaged schools need to be able to compete for good teachers,” Wilson said. “We need a good public school in every neighborhood so that every child can learn and prepare for life.”

Title I is the federal program for schools with a high percentage of children living in poverty. There are currently 61 schools in Albuquerque participating in the Title I program.

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