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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Named Vice Chair of Strategic Forces Subcommittee March 06, 2003
Subcommittee has Jurisdiction over New Mexico’s National Laboratories,
Missile Defense and Space Programs

WASHINGTON, DC - Congresswoman Heather Wilson has been named Vice Chair or the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee for the 108th Congress. The Subcommittee has authority over U.S. strategic forces, space programs, ballistic missile defense - including Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) and Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBM) -- and all of the Department of Energy’s national security programs. This includes strategic offense and defensive weapons that have strong ties to New Mexico’s labs.

“This position gives me a perfect opportunity to continue my work to keep New Mexico’s military and research and development programs secure and vibrant,” said Congresswoman Heather Wilson. “These subcommittees also complement the work I do as chair of the National Security and Foreign Affairs Policy Subcommittee, where we study new ideas to introduce as legislation.”

“Heather Wilson’s intellect and experience make her the ideal choice for this important assignment,” said Duncan Hunter, chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. “She is well positioned to benefit not only her district, but New Mexico and the nation as well. We look forward to her leadership.”

“I am delighted to welcome Rep. Heather Wilson to serve as Vice Chair of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee for the 108th Congress,” said Strategic Forces Subcommittee Chair Terry Everett. “Having served with Heather on the House Armed Services Committee since her appointment last Congress, I have been impressed with her depth of knowledge of defense and national security issues. Her background as a military officer and effective legislator make her a natural choice to share the gavel of Strategic Forces and I look forward to working closely with her.”

The House Armed Services Committee restructured its Subcommittees for this Congress so that they align more closely with mission areas for defense rather than the budget structure orientation in previous Congresses. This will allow subcommittee members greater influence from their conception to implementation rather than hand them off between subcommittees.

This powerful subcommittee has responsibility over programs of high importance to New Mexico including the Department of Energy national security programs at the national laboratories, space programs, and ballistic missile defense. These programs employ tens of thousands of New Mexicans and are vitally important to the national security of the country.

In addition, research and development on the Airborne Laser at Kirtland Air Force Base is moving towards having a first aircraft for testing by next year capable of destroying missiles from countries hostile to the United States. The proliferation of intercontinental ballistic missile technology is among the growing threats to our security.

The subcommittee has oversight responsibility for the weapons activities at the national laboratories. The President’s budget request for these programs in 2004 exceeds $2.5 billion for New Mexico. The laboratories core mission for maintaining safe, secure and reliable nuclear weapons remains a strong element of our strategic national security. The laboratories continue to develop tools for science-based stockpile stewardship that aid in annual assessments of the nuclear stockpile. In the previous Congress, Heather Wilson led a study on the future direction for the nuclear weapons program. As Vice-Chair for the Strategic Forces Subcommittee she will be in a strong position to work towards implementing many of the policy recommendations.

Congresswoman Wilson remains a member on the Energy and Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over issues directly affecting New Mexico including energy, public health, telecommunications and hazardous materials. Wilson is the only member of Congress to serve on both the Armed Services and Energy and Commerce Committees, giving her significant influence over matters affecting our national laboratories.


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