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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Urges Stronger Federal Role to Beat Meth Scourge October 20, 2005
Wilson Backs Anti-Meth Bill in Energy & Commerce Committee
Washington, DC – Congresswoman Heather Wilson today announced she is cosponsoring the Methamphetamine Epidemic Elimination Act (H.R. 3889) and said that federal enforcement and prevention efforts should be stepped up to stop the spread of methamphetamine use. “Unlike other illegal drugs which travel across our borders, we can’t stop meth by shutting down the border. Battling meth means controlling the availability of ingredients,” Wilson said. The bill, which has been referred to the House Energy and Commerce Committee on which Wilson serves, would lower the amount of pseudoephedrine that could be purchased from 9 grams to 3.6 grams. Psuedoephedrine is a key ingredient in meth, which is made through a concoction of common household chemicals. The legislation would also address clean-up for meth lab sites, and strengthen reporting requirements for importing pseudoephedrine. New Mexico is a battleground state in the efforts against methamphetamine, which plagues rural areas, and is prevalent in the four corners region of the West. Wilson spoke today in a joint hearing of the Subcommittees on Health, and Environment and Hazardous Waste which examined efforts to combat methamphetamine. “We’re learning more about defeating meth from people like Randy Bennett, now an 18-year-old Deming High School student in my District. Randy first tried methamphetamine at age 13 when it was given to him as a birthday ‘present,’ but he is speaking out, urging others to quit or avoid meth,” Wilson said. “During his struggle with meth, Randy tells of considering suicide, being incarcerated and witnessing the meth-related death of a friend. With the love and support of his grandmother, he is recovering and using his experience to help others.” During the 108th Congress, Wilson backed legislation that provided more law enforcement training and equipment. This year, she is also a cosponsor of the Combat Methamphetamine Act of 2005, (H.R. 314), which would authorize $33 million to bolster enforcement through the Bureau of Justice Assistance, educate businesses selling these products, and hire and train special assistant U.S. Attorneys.
  • It’s harmful. While its use is hidden, the results are not. Methamphetamine is extremely detrimental to people and the surrounding environment. Producing a pound of methamphetamine causes an estimated five-to-seven pounds of toxic waste. The pollution is spread through streams, septic systems and surface water run-off.
  • It’s available. Methamphetamine is most prevalent in rural areas and in the Four Corners region of the West.
  • It’s costly. The clean up for a meth site can range from $1,500 to $250,000, depending on the contamination. The residue from a previous use of toxic chemicals often remains in homes where new families reside.
  • It’s widely used. Methamphetamine is second only to marijuana as the most widely used illicit drug in the world. While it is particularly prevalent in the western United States, the materials to make it are legally sold, making enforcement a unique challenge.
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