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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Highlights the Need for Advanced Vaccine Research and Development March 27, 2003
“Project Bioshield” would Provide Greater Protection against Chemical and Biological Agents

Washington, DC—Representative Heather Wilson addressed fellow Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee members today at a hearing on “Project Bioshield,” an Adminstration proposal to further research and development on developing vaccines for new and growing threats from biological, chemical and radiological weapons. The United States is currently relying on vaccines from the 1960’s and 70’s, along with outdated measures for radiologic exposure to protect the Nation against possible attacks.

“The face of conventional warfare has changed,” said Wilson. “Our enemies no longer come as advancing or invading armies. They lurk as individuals networked into a vast underground of terrorism, waiting for opportunity. Rather than giant missiles and massive tanks, some of the most looming weapons we must protect the Homeland against are tiny microbes. Last year, this committee worked extensively on the bioterrorism bill to build the critical infrastructure to protect against such threats. Now, we are looking at ways to bring the necessary technology and research to the readiness level required to save American lives.”

Programs for developing biologic and chemical vaccines are included in “Project Bioshield,” but Wilson believes that more emphasis should be placed on radiologic threats. Wilson urged the Subcommittee to consider these types of attacks which have the potential to harm more innocent and unprepared Americans.

If faced with a biological agent, such as smallpox or anthrax, state health departments, military and first responders have been educated will be prepared to keep illness or casualties to a bare minimum. However, the case of a dirty bomb in a crowded area, presents a problem. Currently, Potassium Iodide is the only available therapy. It protects the thyroid from absorbing radiation, and lowers the risk of resulting cancer. However, these pills must be taken prior to exposure, which is impossible in an unexpected attack and does nothing for the effects of radiation injury.

“Project BioShield” is a continuation of recent effort to secure the Nation. Years of peace and prosperity have drawn more attention and dollars to finding cures and furthering help for diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes which plague our society at alarming rates. Meanwhile, advances in bioterror threat sciences have been lagging.


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