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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Pushes Renewables as Part of Balanced Energy Plan at Sandia Solar Test Facility July 16, 2001
Wilson amendments to Nation Energy Bill put Sandia in Lead for Next Generation Technologies
ALBUQUERQUE, NM—Congresswoman Heather Wilson visited Sandia National Laboratories Solar Thermal Test Facility earlier today and stressed the need for a balanced long-term national energy plan to be enacted by Congress this year. “The energy crunch is hurting everyone. Gas prices are high this summer and electric bills are putting a big dent in family budgets and it’s especially difficult for New Mexicans on fixed incomes. Congress must put politics aside and pass a comprehensive plan this year that will end the feast or famine cycle that has wreaked havoc on consumers across the country.” Congresswoman Wilson’s meeting today was part of a nationwide day of awareness spearheaded by Vice President Dick Cheney, who is holding a national town hall later this afternoon in Pennsylvania. Additionally, at least 25 members of Congress are holding town halls and listening sessions of their own throughout the United States. Late last week, Congresswoman Wilson helped pass a bipartisan national energy plan in a key House subcommittee. The Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee approved the landmark legislation, which includes provisions on energy conservation, renewable energy, clean coal technology, nuclear energy production and advances in hydropower production. In a late night session last Thursday, Wilson succeeded in adding an amendment to the plan that will have the national laboratories conduct a national assessment of renewable energy resources. She also sponsored amendments to extend federal renewable resources and strengthen nuclear energy programs “Any plan we develop to meet America’s energy needs must preserve and protect the beauty of the home we love,” said Wilson. “We’ve made tremendous progress in the last twenty years cleaning up the air, water and land and there’s no turning back. No one wants to. But conservation alone will not save enough energy to power our growing economy and rising standard of living. That’s why we must have a balance between conservation, investment in new technology and increased production. “America should have the most advanced energy system in the world and now is the time to act. If we don’t act we need look no further than California to see our future. Rolling black-outs, $2.00 a gallon or more for gas, continued reliance on foreign dictators and soaring electricity prices,” said Wilson The New Mexico representative is a member of the House Energy Action Team (HEAT) tasked with spearheading energy legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives. She is also a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which has jurisdiction over energy policy. Wilson will return to Washington Tuesday morning to help take the bill through the full Energy and Commerce Committee where she will offer additional amendments on nuclear energy and energy policy. “We want to pass a balance long-term energy bill from the House by the end of July. I think we can do it,” Wilson said.

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