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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Letter to Comcast Urging Family Subscription Package February 12, 2004
Mr. Brian Roberts
President and CEO
Comcast Corporation
35th Floor
1500 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Dear Mr. Roberts,

I am following with great interest Comcast’s announcement of its desire to buy Disney. I am sure it is an exciting and busy time for you and your company.

As a member of the House Telecommunications and Internet Subcommittee, I participated in a hearing yesterday on broadcast indecency. While cable does not have the same indecency requirements as broadcasters, I urge you to lead the cable industry in helping parents protect our nation’s children.

I recognize that Comcast has taken important steps to provide parents the ability to control the programming in their homes through digital programming and parental controls. I request that you to continue to make full use of existing technology to make it easier for parents to use these controls.

As a parent, I would also like to suggest that Comcast create a family-oriented cable subscription for families that want to provide quality entertainment and education for their children without worrying about the violence, profanity and sexual innuendo on many of the channels that are currently available.

At the hearing it was apparent to me that the entertainment industry does not understand that much of America does not share their values. It is hard enough to raise G-rated kids in an R-rated world. I am urging you to make it easier by giving parents the option of receiving family-oriented only cable television and improved parental controls.

Thank you for your consideration of this important issue.


Heather Wilson
Member of Congress

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